All Night Long
I had been seeing ‘Boatman’ for a few weeks by the time I was able to have a whole night with him. This was going to be fun.
My all nighter was lots of sex, lots of times. Each orgasm was as good as the first. He was beginning to know what I liked and I was learning too. I was learning how my body responded to a particular touch, be it featherlight kisses or a bite or pinch. Each touch led to a different sensation and each sensation increased my confidence.
I was starting to tell him what I liked, moaning in pleasure with all he was doing. This turned him on more. Being told that what you do is good, but seeing the effect you have, is a powerful aphrodisiac.
Previous experience of all night was guy who thought lasting as long as possible was great. It really wasn’t. The brain does start to wonder what is required in the weekly shop!
But this all night, well I came more times than I could count. Through sex, hands, tongue. Once he knew I was pleasured and satisfied he took the chance and asked ‘the’ question. How brave you feeling?