Test Your Sexual Intelligence

How is your sexual Intelligence?
Let’s play a little game. Decide which of the following statements are true or false. The answers will be revealed below.
For women, urinating after sex is an old wives’ tale. It doesn’t provide any benefit.

You can break a penis.
You can get pregnant while on your period.
Erectile issues only affect old men.
You can reuse condoms.
TRUE or False

Let’s see how you scored!
For women, urinating after sex is an old wives tale. It doesn’t provide any benefit.
When you have sex, all of the thrusting can push bacteria into your urethra. Left there, it can lead to a UTI, or urinary tract infection. Urination after intercourse can help flush out the bad bacteria and keep your lady parts happy.
You can break a penis.
Yes, sorry men. A penile fracture is a serious emergency. Now you may be thinking that there is no bone in a human penis, but you can break the tunica albuginea that surround the corpora cavernosa, the spongy erectile tissue that is responsible for making your penis hard. Essentially it is like the worst bruise you can possibly imagine (Google images, you’ll see). This can be caused by blunt force, such as you slipping out of your partner and then missing the hole on your return thrust. Please exercise caution when having vigorous thrusting sex! And if this does happen to you, please seek immediate medical attention.
You can get pregnant while on your period.
On average, a menstrual cycle is 28 days. But as you may know with averages, they don’t always apply to everyone. You usually ovulate two weeks after your period, but for women with a shorter cycle, you may ovulate right after you end your period. You cycle can change and fluctuate and you may have a 28 day cycle one month and then a 32 day cycle the next. Sperm can live as long as a week so that can leave plenty of overlap time for a meeting of sperm and egg.
Erectile issues only affect old men.
Men of any age can experience a wide range of erectile issues such as premature ejaculation or difficulty maintaining an erection. These issues can be caused by a variety of conditions such as being overweight, medical issues, medication, alcohol, anxiety, or anything of the sort. These can be easily helped by consulting your health care professional.
You can reuse condoms
No way! Even if you take it out of the wrapper and start rolling it on the erection and stop because it isn’t the right side up. Technically, there could be sperm in the pre-ejaculate and if you turn the condom “right side up” you could be inserting them into your partner. Male condoms are readily available at health clinics and they are sold in almost every grocery/drug store, so just opt for a box or handful.
How did you score?
There are no dumb questions when it comes to sex, so keep asking! With accurate information you can make the best decisions about your sexual health and life. And when it comes to sex, everything is OK here