Best Sex Ever! Erotic Story Competition Story 16
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Here is another “History” for your reading pleasure.
It was a few years back when I was still in college, I was taking a Psychology class. The woman teaching the class was named Anne. I found out she had a favorite comedy TV show that she watched religiously so I started leaving messages on her black board from the star of the show.
Who was doing this? She wanted to know. As a matter of fact she went as far as to offer 5 points on the final grade to anyone who would identify the mysterious writer of the messages. I thought it was all in fun at first but she was serious about it. She wanted to know who was putting these messages up!
Now the messages were very non-threatening and sort of pop cultural in nature like “The best things in life aren’t really free…you must “pay” attention.” or “Life is a journey get moving!” I had no idea she would get mad about it. I had to come into the classroom 20 minutes before class to get the message on the board and get out before Anne showed up. For some reason she was unable to get to the room any earlier to “catch” me red handed. But alas the lure of 5 extra points was too much for one of the other students in my class. Someone knew it was me and turned me in for the extra credit. Never found out who.
At the end of one class period I heard the words, “Mr. Bond….I need to see you after class.” I knew my time was up…. I should not have pressed my luck but I couldn’t help myself. Guess the thrill of possibly getting caught was too much to let it go. I stayed and prayed.
Life throws you a curve sometimes, not only was Anne not upset, she was very pleased it was me for some reason. We talked at length about the show, I gave her my interpretation of the star’s motives and best work. She argued with me about which show was best and why. We talked for a whole hour about it. The next thing I know Anne was talking about going out for a beer at a local pub. I began to suspect that she might be flirting with me. I was thirsty and hers was my last class for the day so why not? I told her I would meet her there at 5:30 if she wanted to continue our conversation. I knew she was married so I figured again “Why not”. It was just for a beer or two, no big deal. At least I did not have to worry about being sent to the Dean of Men for disciplinary actions over the messages.
I ate a fast supper at 4:30, dumped my books in my dorm room and headed out to the pub, arriving at 5:25. She was already there with a pitcher of beer and two mugs waiting.
Anne was a “mature” woman of undetermined age. Her red hair was cut medium length, her face has a few “laugh lines” visible around the eyes. Her figure was above average, her waist narrow and her breasts were full and revealing in her low cut blouse. The green eyes were clear and inviting. Her hands more than anything else gave away her age. Her white skin allowed the veins to show through. I estimated she was somewhere between 30 and 35 years old. She was sitting with a younger woman, also red headed. In fact. the younger woman, Alice, was a complete knock-out. Green eyes, great figure, smooth skin, ruby red lips without make-up. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. When Anne saw me she motioned me over to sit. (Don’t have to tell me twice!)
“Jimmy, this is Alice….Alice this is Jimmy the young man I was telling you about.” Anne said as a way of introduction. I was smitten from the moment our eyes met. Not having a drink myself, I got a mug of beer from the bar and returned to the booth with the two women. We began the conversation with the messages I was leaving on Anne’s board and had a few laughs at my expense. The conversation drifted to other subjects about social norms and hangups of the younger generation vs the older. I made a bold statement that I had no issues with nudity and that I thought it was a natural state that one should not be afraid of.
The third beer had made me more brave than normal and I looked at Alice and asked her opinion. She turned red, glanced at Anne and said that she had rather not answer that question. So, being slightly drunk on both her good looks and the beer, I ask her if she would have a problem taking a shower with a guy like me. No sex, just soap suds and water.
Again she glanced at Anne and replied that she could not do that. Anne was giving me a strange smile during the entire conversation. Maybe I was too distracted by Alice to notice but there it was. Alice got up a few minutes later to visit the ladies room and I was left at the booth with Anne. I suddenly felt a foot rubbing up my leg and moving into a position stroking the zipper of my paints. My eyes opened wide as I looked at Anne.
“Jimmy, darling. If Alice doesn’t want to take a shower with you…..well…I’m a little nasty and could use a scrubbing.” she said while winking at me. I took a long hard look at the ring on her finger and said, “You’re joking with me right?”
Her foot pressed against my crotch outlining my growing penis. “Does this feel like I’m joking?”
I felt my crotch begin to swell under the pressure from Anne’s foot. I looked into her eyes and swallowed a big gulp as I vainly tried to remain “cool”.
“Well?” she whispered across the table. Before I could answer, Alice walked up and sat down. Anne’s foot quickly slipped away under the table. I’m guessing that the red flareup in my face told off on me. “My turn.” Anne said as she got up. “Be nice Alice, Jimmy is a great guy.” And with that she disappeared into the crowd.
I watched her as she left. Her ass was looking sweet in her pant suit. No pantie lines at all and the cute wiggle of her butt caused by the high heels made my eyes widen. I could almost feel Alice’s eyes on me as I turned back to her
“Pick your tongue up.” she said to me. “Mom’s way out of your league.”
Mom?….MOM? …Oh my GOD! I thought to myself. “She’s your……uh.”
“Bright boy. I only had to tell you once. Well, I’d say you are trying to figure out my age, aren’t you? I’m 21 and the youngest of 4. Three boys and little ole me.
Now my thoughts were kicking into overdrive. The expression on my face must have said it all.
“Before you strip a gear in your head trying to figure it out, Mom is 51 going on 17.” Alice injected.
I could feel the sarcasm dripping off each word. I could not tell if the venom in her tone was directed at me or at her. I tried to hide my discomfort by taking a long sip of my beer. Holy crap! 51? Fifty fucking ONE?
“Listen up Jimmy. Mom doesn’t like the man I’m with. She has this mission to try and hook me up with someone else. You are the third one this month. So, here is the deal. Play along and you might get out of this with your balls still attached. Got it?” She reached for a napkin and took a pen from her purse then wrote something down on it and stuffed it into her purse.
The beer did not go down smoothly. I nodded a quite “yes” as I saw Anne appear in the crowd. 51? She’s older than MY mom! I tried to put on a smile as she sat down.
“So, have you too been getting to know each other?” I saw a sinister twinkle in her eye as she asked the question.
“You’re right Mother. He’s a nice guy,” Alice replied. she took the napkin out of her purse and handed it to me. “Here’s my number. I look forward to your call. Sorry Mom, but I have to get going. See you and DAD later.” I almost choked on my beer when I read the note.
“DROP DEAD ASSHOLE” in black ink.
Anne watched Alice leave. The sound of me trying to breath made her turn back to me.
I began, “I’m sorry about that comment about the shower. If I had know she was your …. uh”
“Hahahahaha….Oh don’t worry Jimmy, I prefer you to be yourself. If you had known then you would haven’t been nearly as …interesting. I think that went nicely.” she said. “You going to give her a call?”
I should have just said yes but something made me show her the note. The frown lines that showed up in her face gave me the first real visual clue to her age. She mumbled something under her breath then took the napkin and began to write on the other side.
No way in hell I was going to call Alice. That redhead had already threatened my balls once. I wasn’t going to tempt a second encounter. Anne was wasting her time.
Instead of a phone number, Anne wrote down an address. I looked at it and wondered what to say next. How could I show up when I wasn’t even going to call her?
“Halloween party. 7 pm Friday night. Alice will not be there. My friends said I could bring anyone I want. I want you to come. You do have a costume don’t you?” she asked.
“Uh…Yeah, I have one…Uh what about your husband?” I was determined to bring out THAT subject before anything else happened.
“Ron is in Atlanta and I need an escort.” she smiled at me. “Don’t worry, I don’t bite. and all you have to do is just meet me there. If you don’t like it, I’m sure there is a frat party somewhere you can go to.” I felt the foot return. My hard on had made it to full size again.
“Uh….Ok. I’ll meet you there,” Yeah…my dick was doing my thinking again. She pulled her foot away and placed it back into the high heels.
“Nice package” she said with a smile as she got up to leave. “You don’t have to get up. I can walk myself out.” The twinkle in her eyes said it all.
51 huh? Hummmmmm. A smile popped on my face as I watched her sexy ass wiggle as she left. I wound up siting there for a half hour waiting for my penis to calm down.
For the next couple of days I went to class, worked at my part time job and spent all my spare time working on my “Conan the Barbarian” costume. I had a gray “fake” fur vest with a matching gray loin cloth. The leather belt held a real sword with a scabbard. I had a large wolf head medallion on a silver chain. The black cape I made by hand had a silver nylon ‘silk’ lining that matched the gray fur. The part I was working on was the fur “boots” (leg warmers that covered up my shoes). Very sexy but also very COLD! I wound up wearing black sweat pants (one size too small) under the loin cloth to keep warm. Still had a nice look to it, but it lacked something…..
I went to Wal-Mart and purchased a large black dog collar with spiked studs and a short chrome plated chain leash. YEAH! That did the trick! I ran the chain down the front of my chest and tucked the black leather end into the belt. Nice touch.
Friday rolled around and I took the time to scope out the address in the afternoon. (Didn’t want to get lost in the dark) The home was in the “upscale” neighborhood across town. Three story home, large white columns in the front. Huge front yard. Paved driveway with ornate gates. Wow! More money than I’ve ever seen. Should be FUN!
Later that night I arrived to find the large driveway filled with cars. I wound up parking my truck on the side of the street with a few other cars. The night was very cold and I had to use my black cape to keep the cold away. I met another couple going into the party as I walked up the driveway. The clear glass screen door was closed but the big red door behind it was open. The couple ahead of me just walked right in – so I followed close behind.
The crowd appeared to be centered around a baby grand piano. Some guy dressed like a pirate was playing tunes and having a sing along. I recognized the words to “Piano Man” by Billy Joel being sung by a few of the group. Not bad….not bad at all. I was amazed by the size and decor of the rooms in the house. Antiques were everywhere. I felt like I had stepped back in time to the 1800’s except for the modern lighting. The mix of people ranged from a couple of teenagers to a few gray haired professors from the university. The majority were between 30 and 40. I was one of the youngest males there.
Of course I found the wet bar right away. A cute blond woman was serving mixed drinks. I asked for a rum and mountain dew. (The only mixed drink I can stand….I’m a beer drinker myself). She mixed it into a tall glass for me. I smiled and asked how much. She gave me an odd look.
“The booze is on the house. I don’t believe we have met….” she said.
“Oh..I’m supposed to meet Anne. She asked me to be her “escort” for the party. I’m Jimmy from her Psychology Class.” I replied.
“So, you are the one Anne told me about…I like the costume. This is my party by the way. My name is Jean. I think I saw Anne out in the back. I’ll show you the way.”
She came around the bar and playfully took hold of the leash around my neck, smiled and said out loud, “Heel Boy.” then led me through the house by the neck. Funny thing about the whole dog collar and leash thing. I’ll bet every single female there (and a few married ones) wanted to hold that chain. Come to think of it, a lot of them did before it was over.
We wound up crossing the back yard (YES!!! A beer keg was set up out there! ) and going into the 4 car garage. I was wondering what was Anne doing back here then I saw her and some guy looking at a classic 1959 Thunderbird inside the garage. The guy she was with wasn’t in costume and had a drink in his hand. Anne was dressed up in an old fashioned serving wench costume complete with a leather bodice that showed off her breasts very nicely. Her red hair was down across her shoulders. I’d never seen it loose like that before. Her long dress billowed out from the petticoats under it. Her figure was squeezed into an hourglass shape by the leather bodice laced up in the back. She was a knockout!
“Jimmy! You came!” she said loudly when she saw me. She was holding a can of Coke in her hand. “Ron…this is the young man I introduced Alice to…Jimmy, this is my husband Ron.”
As I was shaking his hand I was thinking…(Ron’s in Atlanta…yeah right….) I was recalling her foot between my legs and suddenly the party wasn’t so much fun anymore. I said, “Ron, pleased to meet you.” I saw he wasn’t interested in anything but the car. Turns out he was thinking of buying it from Jean’s husband. I could also tell he was well on his way to getting very drunk. We spent a little time talking cars like most guys do. Did you know the 59 T-Bird ran on a 6 volt battery system and the water pump had to be greased at each oil change? During our talk I saw the garage was also a two story building with a set of stairs leading up to a loft overhead. I decided to get away from the “happy” couple and rejoin the party inside.
It was a good party (better now that I found the beer) as parties go. The owners had taken the den and made a small dance floor in it. The sound system was amazing. Again, something about the leash around my neck brought the women out of the wood work. I got several dances, a couple of photo ops and several phone numbers from the single women there. They just couldn’t keep their hands off the leash. A couple of hours and a few beers later I was back at the piano singing “Someone Saved My Life Tonight” with the crowd. God were we sooo off key! Then someone grabbed hold of the leash again and gave it a playful tug from behind. It was begining to get a little old by now.
I turned and saw Anne grinning at me. “So….enjoying yourself?” she asked as she tugged the chain again.
“Yeah…Thanks for the invite. I was surprised to see Ron here. Thought he was going to be in Atlanta.” I answered. “Where is he by the way?” I was a little disappointed. I had imagined Anne and myself…….well you know.
“Ron got drunk and went home.” she replied. “Come with me.” The tone she used was the same one she uses in the classroom. You know that commanding tone that expects to be obeyed. I followed her back outside. We wound up back in the garage alone.
“Do you believe in unicorns?” she asked me. Her voice changed, becoming huskier and deeper.
“No…not really.” I said, wondering what was up.
“Let me show you.” She started up the stairs to the overhead loft, pulling my leash as she went. I followed. The memory of her foot kept coming back.
The top of the stairs led to an open door. The loft beyond was a one bedroom efficiency apartment. A full size bed was in the corner with a large white stuffed animal on it. You guessed it…a unicorn. Beside the bed was a dresser with a huge mirror hung on the wall. I didn’t take the time to notice anything else. I heard the door shut behind me and then the clicking of the deadbolt sliding into place.
I turned to look into her eyes and knew what was coming. She walked up to me and tilted her head, eyes closed, lips slightly parted. I kissed her with a long, tender hug. Her tongue slid into my mouth and played tag with mine. I stopped thinking and just reacted. My hands reached up to the front of her dress and flipped the bodice down, exposing both breasts. The nipples were pink and hard under my fingertips. I pinched one between my finger and thumb. My other hand reaching around to cup her butt through the billowy dress. My heart was racing and my breath was coming faster with each second. As I leaned down to pop one nipple into my mouth, Anne said,”My ride has left me here. Would you be so kind as to give me a ride home?” Her voice was husky and deep.
I fell into character and replied, “I’d love to ride you my lady.” Yeah…yeah…remember I’m drinking a lot at this time so don’t judge me too harshly. I’m completely incapable of thinking wisely right now. I throw off my cape and start to remove my vest.
“NO!…Leave it ON!” she said. Pulling my leash, she leads me over to the low dresser and looks at the both of us in the mirror. “I LIKE the costume!” She leans against the dresser and pulls up the back of her dress and looks at me over her shoulder. She’s not wearing anything under the petticoat. Her marvelous ass is right in front of me. “What are you waiting for?”
Leaving the rest of my costume on, I yank down the sweat pants and my briefs. My cock is at full mast and hard enough to cut diamonds. I enter her hot pussy from the back. The lips pull slightly as I slide inside. Her moisture covers me, lubricating my cock as I place my hands on her hips. I grab hold and begin thrusting again and again. I look into the mirror and watch her face. She’s watching me as well, a pained look crosses her eyes as I thrust deeper. She starts to pant faster, her breath coming in short rapid gasps. I continue to pound away.
I hear her grunt an animal like sound, then she looks into my eyes through the mirror and says, “SPANK…MY…ASS!” between gasps for air. At first I am way to far into the sensation between my legs to act. Anne yanks HARD on the leash and repeats the order. She got my attention so I give her a light swat with my hand on the right cheek of her butt.
“HARDER!” she yells out. Hummmmm.. OK…I cut loose with a swat that leaves a hand print in soft pink flesh. She lets out another grunt and says “AGAIN!” I switched hands and left another impression on the other cheek. The sound was very loud.
“OOOOOH GOD!” she cries as I feel a wet splash of hot fluid on my lap. She starts to shake. She loses her grip on the dresser and pulls off me then sinks to her knees on the carpet.
DAMN! I’m NOT DONE YET! I think to myself. I grab my penis, (It is sticky wet by now) and begin to jerk it madly. I step around Anne while masturbating (hard to do with sweat pants around your ankles) placing my dick in front of her face. She is watching me with a strange look in her eyes. Like she was half asleep. Within a moment I am SO turned on that I can feel the pressure in my balls beginning to erupt.
I grab a handful of red hair with my left hand and force my cock into her mouth just as the first explosion begins. Anne pushes her face forward and takes it all in. One….two… THREE times I cum, each shot going into her mouth. Anne looks up and starts to suck the tip of my penis, taking in all the semen. She finishes, opens her mouth to show me all the white cum she collected, then tilts her head back and swallows. I was very impressed.
Anne smiled as she got up off her knees and gave me a short peck on the cheek. “Now get presentable and go back to the party. I’ll be down in a few minutes.”
I pulled myself together and adjusted my costume while looking in the same big mirror. Anne disappeared into the little bathroom and closed the door. Would be better if we were not seen together too much so I hurried back out to the beer keg to replace some lost fluids. I didn’t see Anne until much later in the night. Three or four beers later.
I was enjoying the company of a woman named Terri who would not let go of the leash for any reason. She was fascinated by leading me around and showing me off to her friends. Too many names and too many beers. The time passed very quickly. I had a glimpse of Anne several times during the night. She just smiled a slight smile and winked. Guess she figured I was keeping my distance for a good reason. She didn’t smile at Terri though.
I found myself free from Terri’s grasp when she had to visit the “powder room” with one of her friends. (Ever notice how guys go to the can alone but women seem to go in groups?) I felt a tap on my shoulder.
“So…..should I be worried?” Anne asked.
“Uh…About what?” I should know better than to answer a question with a question.
“You seem to have forgotten. You are my ride home. Remember? Terri will have to wait.”
“Yeah, sure….I haven’t forgotten……” I started to mumble.”
She sniffed at me and then looked into my eyes. “Give me your keys.” You are in NO condition to drive me anywhere.” I knew that tone. It was the same one she used in the classroom. I obeyed instantly and handed my truck keys over.
“Time to go.” she said and walked to the front door without looking back to see if I was following. Of course I was. Following that is.
I showed her my truck and she opened the passenger side door for me. I meekly got in. As it turns out, she lives in the same area. Only 4 blocks away from the party. I remember thinking to myself that she could have walked the distance in a few minutes. Why did she need a lift? Hummmmmm.
Her home was just as impressive as Jean’s. Being a college professor must pay very well. When we stopped I asked for my keys. “No way Mr. Bond.” That tone was back again. “You are going to sleep it off here. I can’t have one of my students getting a DUI because of my invitation to a party. Besides, we have plenty of room.”
I’ll say. The house was unbelievable. Must have had at least 4 bedrooms upstairs and the layout on the ground floor…….wow! I was led to the den on the back side of the house. The decor was all male. Wet bar, big screen TV, pool table, huge leather sofa, dart board and a soft shag carpet that felt like velvet. Anne pushed me to the sofa and removed my sword belt. I thought she was going to remove more but I was disappointed when she didn’t.
“Sleep here tonight.” she said
“Uh…What about Ron and your kids?” I asked. “Won’t I be a little hard to explain in the morning?” I was sobering up quick. The thought of exploding firearms dancing in my head.
“Don’t worry about that. I’ll have you out of here before Ron wakes up. No one else is here tonight. Can’t have you wrapping your chevy around a tree now can we?” Anne explained.
Ok…husband is ‘sleeping it off’ and we are alone…..I reach out to cup Anne’s breast in my hand. I see her right eye brow arch up and her lips part into a smile. “No Mr. Bond” she whispered, “Not here…not now. Lay down and go to sleep.”
My hand drops away and I shrug. “Can’t blame a guy for trying…” I took off my cape and laid down in the sofa. The leather smelled good. A little cold at first but It felt good. I think I nodded off within seconds. I remember Anne putting my cape over me like a blanket. The room slowly faded as I closed my eyes. Then nothing.
The dream was VERY realistic. I was back at the bar with Anne and Alice. Only this time it was Alice’s foot that was stroking my zipper. The taste of beer was sour in my mouth and no matter how much I drank I stayed thirsty. We were talking about something. I think it was homework(???) Odd but that’s a dream for you. Anne went for more beer and Alice dropped under the table and began giving me head (Where did my pants go???) in the booth. I could feel her tugging my boxers down and her sweet tongue licking the tip of my penis. Heaven!
I started looking around to see if Anne was returning with the pitcher of beer. How could I explain what Alice was doing? What if we get caught? What if……
My eyes opened. I see her red hair bobbing up and down on my lap. Each movement sending thrills of pleasure up to my waking brain…. “Alice?” I whisper..
“Hello Mr. Bond.” she said when her lips pulled off the tip of my hard shaft. “Alice doesn’t live here anymore.” Then Anne grinned a sly grin as she squeezed my cock in her right hand.
She was ‘dressed’ in a see through green teddy with matching silk panties. Her face was hidden under the flowing red hair. Anne was kneeling beside the sofa. Her lips were driving me crazy with each motion. I closed my eyes for a moment to clear my head then looked around. Yeah, I remembered the sofa, the big TV…. I was in Anne & Ron’s den…. Ron..RON??? Oh shit……
” Anne?” I whispered, “Uh….What….Uh…Where’s Ron?”
“FWUCK RWON!” she mumbled with my penis still in her mouth.
It was then I noticed how she was shaking all over. Her hands were twitching, her head was shaking and her slim body was quivering. It wasn’t cold in the room at all. I realized she was losing control of herself. Her lust had taken over. For the first time I knew that I was the calm one. I sat up and reached for her. She did not let go of my hard on but rose up to plant a hard kiss on my lips. The shaking was getting worse. Her tongue darted deep into my mouth. I could taste mint and a hint of alcohol on her breath. She didn’t drink anything at the party so I guess she must have had a nightcap or two. Probably two or three.
I reach for the tender flesh through the shear fabric of the green teddy. The small breasts soft and supple, the nipples smaller and hard. She takes a deep breath as I touch her. Her hand on my cock squeezes tighter. I can still feel the trembling as I hold her. I am in charge now. I know beyond a doubt she will do anything I ask. For the first time EVER, I’m not the one given in to absolute lust. It was a good feeling. With a quick tug I pulled the green teddy over her head. then taking a clue from that Anne stood up, turned around with her back to me and slowly lowered her green silk panties. Bending at the waist only she pushed them down inch by inch, her fabulous butt mere inches form my face. She looked over her shoulder and said, “See anything you like?”
The shaking was beginning to fade away as she relaxed a bit. After removing one leg from her panties, she opened her legs sightly and rubbed her hand on her right leg, moving back up to stroke the magnificent cheek of her ass. Her trim build and muscular tone was now in full view. No wonder I had so much trouble trying to figure her age. I found out later Anne is a marathon runner and runs (not jogs – runs) 5 miles every morning before classes.
I grabbed her hand, spun her around and pulled her back down to her knees. A surprised look crossed her face as I grabbed a hand full of her red hair and forced her head back into my lap. “Don’t start something you can’t finish woman!” I growled as I forced my penis back into her mouth. It took only a half second for her to grab my cock and continue giving me head. I could hear and feel the moaning as she dove her mouth deep onto me. I slid around on the sofa into the same position I was in when she woke me. I reached out my hand to stroke her ass. I gave it a playful slap and the moaning got louder and her grip on my shaft tightened up and she began to stroke it while sucking.
Not to be outdone, I moved my fingers over and began to insert the tips inside her. The soft flesh was wet with her excitement. I slid one finger inside, then two, then three. She arched her back and began to gyrate her hips as I explored her clit. I pulled my fingers out and inserted my thumb. I held the cheek of her ass as my thumb jutted in as far as it would go. The moaning got louder. I pulled my thumb out and down raking the ball of it across her swollen clit. From this angle it felt hard to the touch. A shock seemed to go through Anne’s body as I did this so I decided to repeat the motion. Again she jerked as I went across her “Hot Spot”. I smiled to myself.
I followed the rhythm she was using while giving me head. Each time she went down, my thumb went in and each time she came up, my thumb pulled down across the swollen bulb of her clit. As she slowed down or sped up so would I. It was as if she were giving herself head (or so I thought). I smiled as she began to shake again.
Anne began to grind herself against my thumb. Her hips gyrated and pressed back. I pressed harder and moved faster. She stopped sucking and threw her head back while letting out a deeper moan then said something like “too soon…too….soon”. She was fighting it, trying to hold back.
(Oh no you don’t) I thought to myself. Then I pulled out my thumb and slapped her ass HARD before reaching back inside. “Mother FUCK!” she cried out and I swatted her again. A sudden spray of fluid coated my hand. She gulped a deep breath, gasped again for air and I saw her eyes roll back in her head as she slowly collapsed beside the sofa.
Anne started to giggle a bit, and began to play with my cock again. “That was VERY naughty of you Jimmy. I had other plans for that.”
“For what?” I asked. The smug grin on my face telling her I knew exactly what she meant.
“Ass hole…I wanted you in me when I did that.” She gave a rough jerk on my member as a point of showing just how careful I needed to be. Point taken.
By this time we had worked our way off the sofa and I was laying on the plush carpet beside her. I took her in my arms for a few minutes of necking, fondling and sucking. After a while I suggested she start sucking me off again and let me “thumb” her back into the mood. She grinned from ear to ear and moved into position immediately. The performance was even more amazing than the first. She started moaning and humping my hand while adding a strangle hold hand job with her oral work on me. GOD DAMN she’s good at that! I was beginning to feel the pressure building in my balls. I had to tell her to ease up a little or I’d be blowing it down her throat. She immediately stopped and thumped the head of my penis by flicking her middle finger off her thumb. Shit! THAT HURT!
But, guess what, I lost all interest in cumming for a second and was back to square one. Well…maybe square two. Anyway it added more time to our fun. I need to remember that trick. By this time Anne was flowing again and panting harder from the attention I was giving her clit. Anne pulled away from my hand and straddled me. With a fluid motion she slipped my penis inside and began to grind slowly. Her hands pinned my shoulders to the floor as her hips switched left to right then forward and back. I was fascinated watching her small breasts swaying in the air. I reached out to squeeze them. Her eyes looked upward then closed as a deep moan began in her throat. The taunt muscles in her stomach were contracting and expanding as her hips continued to dance on my cock. I dropped my hands to grab the cheeks of her ass. The skin was soft to the touch but the muscles underneath were hard and pulsating. I dug my fingers into her, remembering how a little pain would drive her nuts. I was right. She loved it. I started helping her move that marvelous ass around. As her breath began to come in faster and deeper, I pulled my hand back and slapped her ass as hard as I could. Anne cried out loud and began to shake all over. I could feel the juices wetting my balls as she choked off s scream into a whimper.
Anne slowly lowered herself down onto my chest and laid there until the shaking stopped. Her tongue nuzzled my ear as she sucked on my lobe. “That was nice….Your turn lover.”
“Nice? Just “Nice?” I said. “Bet you can’t do me better.”
Anne let out another giggle then placed her hands under me, grabbing both cheeks of my ass. “Like I said, ‘Your turn. ‘ ” and then she began to hump me like a man. Her pussy was thrusting itself up and down my shaft as her muscles contracted around it.
“OH……MY…..GOD!” passed my lips as the fury of motion rocked my little universe as never before. She was like a tireless machine literally fucking my brains out! I’m not sure how long this continued but my breath came faster and faster. I grabbed her ass again to help. I took a deep breath and held it. Then I lost all control of myself….I shot load after load after load and even continued to spasm when nothing was left. The room turned dark as my body simply went to sleep…….
I woke up to find Anne crying on my shoulder, her arms still trapped under my butt. I leaned over both directions to allow her to pull them out. “What’s uh…anything I ?….” I stammered. I had never had a woman cry on me like that after sex. Despite the incredible way I felt after my orgasm… ( my god… the word ‘orgasm’ doesn’t begin to describe heights of pleasure I reached.) Up until this point I had thought there was no such thing as bad sex. Even when it wasn’t was still good. Now that I have had this… the bar has been set a LOT higher. I wiped her tears away and asked her what was wrong.
She then told me a long story about her husband and his whore in Atlanta, I learned a lot of very private pain that night. Pain that I will not share with anyone else. We fell asleep in each others arms. Lucky for me, Anne thought of everything. A small alarm clock woke us early and I managed to slip out before Ron woke up from his little “bender”. We remained good friends (and part time lovers) for about a year until she moved to Atlanta to be with Ron. I miss her even to this day.
So tell me what you think. Like it or not?