Harmful Tales We Are Spreading About Men and Sex
Women are constantly fighting stereotypes in & out of the bedroom, but men aren’t spared judgment & harmful tales either. Guys are often cast as sex-crazed maniacs always looking for their next lay, always turned on and always the aggressive ones. If that sounds crazy it is because it freaking is, assuming all men think the same sexuality is deeply harmful, for men and their partners.
They always want and think about sex.
That crazy bullshit statistic that every seven seconds men think about sex isn’t only incredibly difficult to measure, it also clearly appeals to our judgment of men as sex-hungry maniacs who can focus on nothing else, along with NO conclusive proof that men think about sex so constantly, or that they think about it so much more than women as to define the male experience. We did find a 2011 study of college students found that while men thought about sex more than women did, they also thought about food and sleep more. In fact, some men don’t want sex at all.
Men always prefer sex over relationships.
“The Casanova myth is so deeply ingrained that people are convinced that boys who claim to want relationships rather than casual sex are either incredibly rare or full of crap,” said Psychology professor Andrew Smiler from Wake Forest University. In a 2010 study from the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy in the USA found that men are much more interested in relationships: “Two-thirds (66%) say they would rather have a girlfriend but no sex compared to only one-third (34%) who say they would prefer to have sex but no girlfriend. Similarly, 2 out of 3 (66%) agree that they could be happy in a relationship that doesn’t include sex.”
Good sex means he will orgasms every time.
Nope we wrote a really cool post on this a while ago and also spotted in Psychology Today, that psychologist Deborah Taj Anapol said men can orgasm without ejaculating, and that’s a good thing. “For many men orgasm without ejaculation enables a man to be multi-orgasmic, to maintain consistent sexual energy, desire and confidence, and to magnetically attract interested partners. Once men learn to orgasm without ejaculation they rarely want to go back to ejaculating every time,” When it comes to women, good sex may not require a man to come at all. In fact, only 25% of women reach orgasm through vaginal penetration alone and most usually require clitoral stimulation, which usually happens during foreplay.
Bigger is always better.
Just because a man has a HUGE cock, doesn’t mean his partner will enjoy sex. Compatibility of size between partners is much more important. Look at it this way if a woman has a smaller vagina, a large cock can be really painful. Daily Dot sexpert Nico Lang tells Salon, “Just because you have the equipment doesn’t mean you necessarily know to operate the machinery, and there’s simply no correlation between a guy’s dick size and performance in bed.”
Men are never the virgins.
WHAT a stupid idea, all guys are as experienced as the women they’re with, nor do guys need to pretend they’re more experienced than they actually are. According to another Psychology Today survey, men estimated that 1% of their peers were virgins, when if fact it was more like 22% that actually were. A US federal survey, according to the New York Times, found that “men had a median of seven female sex partners, and women had four male sex partners.” but even a high school mathematician could figure out that the logic of the numbers doesn’t make sense. with David Gale professor of mathematics saying “Surveys and studies to the contrary notwithstanding, the conclusion that men have substantially more sex partners than women is not and cannot be true for purely logical reasons.”
And as for the men losing their virginity earlier? The average UK Teen is aged 17 years, two months and two weeks when they lose their virginity (although Northerners start younger, having their first full sexual encounter on average six months before Londoners) — that’s both men and women, a CDC found that virgins make up 12.3% of females and 14.3% of males aged 20 to 24.
So just have a think before next time adding to the bullshit, myths and harmful tails spreading about men and sex