What makes a good looking penis?
So its been done researchers at the University of Zurich have asked the question Yeah that question we all want the answer to”What makes a good looking penis?”
They asked 105 women between the ages of 16 and 45 to rank the most attractive qualities in the male member and you might find the results surprising.
Good news for the smaller guys its true its not about length it doesn’t necessarily make for a pretty willy, with size ranking near the bottom of the table. So its time to put away the tape measure, as it turns out no one cares, However, men may want to invest time in grooming buy a pair of clippers as the ladies surveyed said the appearance of pubic hair was the second most important factor.
The study ranked these as the most important factors for an attractive penis
- General cosmetic appearance
- Appearance of pubic hair
- Girth and appearance of skin
- Shape of glans (the tip)
- Length
- Appearance of scrotum
- Position and shape of the meatus (the opening for urine)
And stop there before you start ranting about the sexism of women rating penises, the study had good intentions, the researchers wanted to prove to men with hypospadias – a medical condition when the hole through which urine passes is not located at the tip of the penis – that this was nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, women found it an insignificant factor when judging the appearance of penis. And good news all round: the study also found that as women grew older they care less and less about cosmetic factors.
So let get this really going and see what people think below is my cock shot what do you think ??