Women Fake Orgasms “To Get Out Of Uncomfortable Sex”
I’m one of those lovers who’s girlfriends have never confessed to me that they’ve faked an orgasm at all. “Confessed” is even a strong term for admitting this. As the idea that many women “fake it” is such a mainstream concept at, the reason for me i put down to communication. (I talk a lot about one honest love making and no point lying about it)
Most people think this is that women do this to protect their partners feelings and egos (come on tell a guy you faked and they will be worried no?), a recent study presented on the 8th July 2016 suggests women fake orgasms to escape bad sex. It’s ridiculous to think all women fake orgasms for the same reason or even that all women fake orgasms, and the study mentioned that some women fake it for their own arousal, but this idea that women alas some do it to get out of uncomfortable sexual situations sheds a new light on this touchy subject.
Even though this study is new, women faking organisms is a old time tale. With just 15 women with varying ages from 19 to 28 being interviewed, which yes is a pretty small number to pool from, these findings were presented by a group of Canadian researchers at the British Psychological Society’s Psychology of Women. The “sex” these women faked orgasms to get out of can be classified as; it was uncomfortable and/or didn’t feel good, or they weren’t really up for it in the first place.
The bottom line (no pun)is: They were ready for it to be over, and so they faked an orgasm to speed things along.
“The women never used terms such as ‘rape’ and ‘coercion’ to refer to their own experiences, despite their descriptions of events that could be categorized as such, The women spoke of faking orgasm as a means to ending these troubling sexual encounters.”
Now to me the fact that rape wasn’t mentioned is very odd, considering many of the women in the study described the sex as “unwanted” and said they felt pressured by their partner. The fact that these experiences aren’t seen as sexual assault despite the fact that they weren’t necessarily up for it to happen or changed their mind during opens up the thought that we only see it as rape if it’s violent, forceful, and with a stranger.
“Some women said ‘[The sex] was consensual but I didn’t want to do it’, ‘He kind of forced me,’ things like that,” “One woman said he [the partner] would ask and beg repeatedly.” explains Emily Thomas, the lead researcher.
Coercive sex can be the use of drugs or alcohol to get someone to have sex, or even the use of pressure. So these women consenting after having a partner beg or pressures you to have sex isn’t really consensual sex, and many worldwide laws explicitly explaining this.
So more than pointing out why women fake orgasms, this study has highlighted misconceptions and confusions about what consent really means, we need to wake up and tell our friends, family and people everywhere this isn’t right!