3D Printed Dildos So You Can Have Your Dildo Your Way
We can do some really amazing things with 3D printing technology these days. Creating more efficient casts, printing cheaper and more accessible prosthetic limbs, keyrings anything. All of that stuff is great, but it’s not exactly fun. What kind of stuff can an average-Joe-four-limbs like myself print using a 3D printer? Well, check this site out: dildo-generator.com
Yes, that’s right. Now you can print off your very own weird looking novelty 3D printed dildos to give at the next wedding shower you go to. Or, you can just print a functional one for yourself, though where’s the fun in that! Design the shape, size, length, colour, everything of your dildo, and then you can get it printed off and mailed to you! Pretty awesome idea, right?
Here’s my Butt plug style I will let you all know when i have printed it off 🙂
It’s nice to think that one day when we all have 3D printers in our own homes we have one in the office its great fun, we can print off as many dildos as we want and have a room simply dedicated to our giant dildo collection, so crammed full with 3D-printed dildos, no we don’t sell them (yet). 3D printed dildos though, what a wild and crazy world that we live in! Lets hope it doesn’t put us out of business 🙂